Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thing #9

Before I started working on Thing #9 this evening, I was somewhat depressed and in a foul mood. Luckily, Cool Cat Teacher’s post on surrounding ourselves with a “circle of wise” got me out of my funk. I followed her advice and added a few more blogs to my Google Reader like Tame the Web and Parchment and Pen. I was able to view an international movie trailer for Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is better than the American one. I registered for a no-ad educational account with Voki, and found a blog which focuses on library education and the future of librarianship. Needless to say, I am pumped and will find it hard to go to sleep tonight!

I found several blogs to follow on Technorati. The site was pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. Syndic8 was unappealing and I didn’t stay there long. I voted in the governor’s race opinion poll on Topix, but other than that, I was not impressed with the site. When I read some of the local Baytown news in Topix, it was erroneous or was news from another state!

Lastly, Google Blog search was boring, but Edublog’s top three blogs for 2009 were super, and I saved a group blog—Billings Middle School—to my Google Reader. It looks like it will have a lot of ideas for integrating technology.

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